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Linda Levine Madori

Linda Levine Madori

St. Thomas Aquinas College, USA


Linda Levine Madori is a two time Fulbright Scholar, Professor, Author, Researcher and Trainer of a non-pharmaceutical approach utilizing all the creative arts for brain stimulation and enhancing socialization found in her first book titled; Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming, in 2007 (TTAP Her second book; Transcending Dementia through the TTAP Method; A New Psychology of Art, Brain and Cognition, expands on the current significant research demonstrating cost effectiveness utilizing this innovative multimodal approach for the geriatric and Alzheimer’s population.


Abstract : The TTAP Method; A Proven Structured Non-pharmaceutical Approach to Enhancing Cognition and Socialization in Mild-Moderate Stages of Alzheimer’s disease

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