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Simon Chiu

University Western Ontario, Canada


Simon CHIU graduated from McMaster University , Hamilton Ontario PhD program in neurosciences and has became qualifi ed in Medicine from University of Toronto MD. He is board certifi ed with the Canadian Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in psychiatry (FRCP) and the American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry :sub-specialty qualifi cations in addiction psychiatry and geriatric psychiatry. Currently as the Associate Professor of psychiatry at University of Western Ontario London Ontario he has been active in research on neuro-psychopharmacology of CNS disorders, focusing on novel drug targets for neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders. . He has completed funded studies of epigenetics-based nutraceuticals and drug candidates :Ginsana-115 (Sirtunin modulator), Liposomal curcumin (HDAC inhibitor), Zembrin extract (PDE-4/serotonin modulator of epigenetics network and the emerging role of epigenetics diet in Alzheimer diseases. He published more than 70 peer-reviewed papers, abstracts/presentation.


Abstract : Exploring the kaleiodoscopic oasis of epigenetics-based diet, brain games and physical exercises in cognitive aging and Alzheimer dementia: Evidence, promises and challenges

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