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Tangui Maurice

Tangui Maurice

University of Montpellier, France


After graduating chemical engineer from ENSCM (Montpellier, France) in 1987, Tangui Maurice got his PhD in neuropharmacology in 1990. He made 2 post-doctoral fellowships at the Jouveinal research institute (Paris) and Nagoya University Hospital and Meijo University (Nagoya, Japan). He joined CNRS in 1992 starting to work on sigma-1 receptors . He is now team leader at INSERM U. 710 (U. 1198 since 01/01, 2015). He gots 120+ publications and 4 patents. Tangui Maurice also created a CRO company, Amylgen, co-founded with 3 scientists from university and industry, where he is currently acting as CSO.


Abstract : Development of sigma 1 receptor agonists as neuroprotectants in Alzheimers disease and related dementia